Grammatical gender (of nouns)
(The grammatical gender in German grammar)
What is the grammatical gender?
The grammatical gender (in German: Genus) is a quality of a German noun and belongs to its grammatical categories. It is the counterpart of the biological (natural) gender, the sex, and corresponds to it in most cases. Nouns that do not represent living beings have only a grammatical gender and no biological one. In the German language, nouns can be masculine (male), feminine (female), and neuter (neutral). According to this, they are given the articles ‘der, die,’ and ‘das’, which all mean ‘the’ in English.
Be careful: Although the articles may differ for the same noun in the singular and plural, its gender does not change! Example:
Number → | Singular | Plural |
Example | der Tisch (the table) | die Tische (the tables) |
Gender | masculine | masculine |
Information: As it can be challenging at times to decide on the correct article, the suffix (ending) of a noun often helps to identify the grammatical gender. Compare the coming examples that illustrate this:
Masculine (male)
Nouns with the following endings are usually masculine (male) and carry the article ‘der’ (the):
Ending or suffix | Examples |
-ant | der Lieferant (supplier), der Adjutant (adjutant) |
-ent | der Agent (spy), der Interessent (interested party) |
-er¹ | der Computer (computer), der Leser (reader) |
-ich | der Rettich (radish), der Anstrich (painting) |
-ismus | der Fanatismus (fanaticism), der Alkoholismus (alcoholism) |
-ist | der Tourist (tourist), der Reservist (reservist) |
-ling | der Zwilling (twin), der Feigling (coward) |
-or | der Rotor (rotor), der Generator (generator) |
¹ most of these nouns but far not all
Feminine (female)
Nouns that have the following endings are usually feminine (female) and carry the article ‘die’ (the):
Ending or suffix | Examples |
-anz | die Ignoranz (ignorance), die Akzeptanz (acceptance) |
-ei | die Schreinerei (carpentry), die Abtei (abbey) |
-enz | die Kongruenz (congruence), die Intelligenz (intelligence) |
-heit | die Frechheit (cheekiness), die Sicherheit (security) |
-ie | die Fantasie (fantasy), die Studie (study) |
-ik | die Technik (technology), die Statistik (statistics) |
-in² | die Biologin (biologist), die Lehrerin (teacher) |
-ion | die Station (station), die Religion (religion) |
-ität | die Aktualität (topicality), die Neutralität (neutrality) |
-keit | die Fröhlichkeit (cheerfulness), die Einsamkeit (loneliness) |
-schaft | die Erbschaft (inheritance), die Mitgliedschaft (membership) |
-ung | die Umleitung (detour/diversion), die Benennung (naming) |
-ur | die Armatur (fitting), die Natur (nature) |
² for female job titles
Neuter (neutral)
Nouns that have the following endings are usually neuter (neutral) and carry the article ‘das’ (the):
Ending or suffix | Examples |
-chen | das Schweinchen (piggy), das Küsschen (brief kiss) |
-lein | das Bäumlein (little tree), das Büblein (little boy) |
-ment | das Fundament (foundation), das Pergament (parchment) |
-tum | das Heiligtum (sanctuary), das Besitztum (possession) |
-um | das Memorandum (memorandum), das Publikum (audience) |
Further explanations related to the ‘Grammatical gender’
The following explanations are relating to the topic ‘Grammatical gender in German’ and might help you too: