The signature in business letters

(Specifics about the signature in English business letters)

What are the specifics about the signature in a business letter?

In English business letters, it is customary to list the name of the company after the complimentary close, subsequently followed by the signature. Afterwards, for reasons of legibility, the name of the signatory is often printed again (including his position, if necessary). In terms of formatting, the whole section is left-justified. Compare the possibilities:

Example (without power of attorney)

The signature and its related elements of a person without having a power of attorney may appear as follows:

Signature on English business letter

Example (with power of attorney)

If the writer of the letter has a power of attorney, the abbreviation ‘pp’ (per procurationem) is used before the name, usually without a full stop:

Signature on English business letter with pp

Information: In other countries and languages, it is sometimes common to have two signatures (e.g. two signatories) on a single letter. Such a practice, however, is neither usual in British nor American English.

Further explanations related to the ‘Signature in business letters’

The following explanations relate to the topic ‘Particularities about the signature in English business letters’ and may therefore be helpful too: