
Exercise 4: spelling of the date (American English – US/AE)

Exercise 4: writing the American date (AE/US)

(Practise spelling the date in American English)

Spelling of the English date – cloze test

Difficulty: medium (3 of 5)

Write the given date in American English (US/AE). Note whether the month names are written out. Example:

Year Month Day   American English date
2012 January 13 January 13th, 2012
2025 8 30 08/30/2025

If you still need help with the topic, look at how to spell the English date again. You may also use the hint button, but note that you will lose points.

YearMonthDayAmerican English date

Exercises and explanations referring to the ‘Spelling of the English date’

The following exercises and explanations are related to the ‘Format of the English date’: