Tricky grammar topics
(Difficult word combinations and phrases in the English grammar)
List of issues
- a little & a few (use and difference)
- Are animals ‘he, she’ or ‘it’?
- are you?; is he (question tags)
- been & gone (difference)
- do & make (difference)
- have & have got (difference)
- in the end & at the end (difference)
- in time & on time (difference)
- interesting & interested (difference)
- it’s & its (use)
- much, many & a lot (use)
- one & ones (prop-words)
- since & for (use)
- so & such (difference)
- some & any (use)
- there is/are (use)
- to be/get used to … (use)
- to, too, two (difference)
- used to + infinitive (use)
- what, why, who, … (question words)
- yet & already (use)
- List of exercises: tricky grammar topics