Dynamic passive forms in the Konjunktiv 1

Dynamic passive forms in the Konjunktiv 1

(Passive with ‘werden’ in the Konjunktiv 1 in German grammar)

What is the rule for the dynamic passive formation in the Konjunktiv 1?

The formation of the dynamic passive always includes the auxiliary verb ‘werden’ (in contrast to the static passive with ‘sein’) and the past participle of the respective main verb. Compare its Konjunktiv 1 forms in the subsequent overview:

Konjunktiv 1 forms of the dynamic passive

The table shows the different forms in comparison from the Konjunktiv 1 active to the dynamic passive:

  • Note: The translations are only indicative, as the exact same meaning is often expressed with a different construction in English.
Tense Active voice (Konjunktiv 1) Dynamic passive (Konjunktiv 1)
Präsens (present) Der Besitzer renoviere das Haus. (The owner is renovating the house.) Das Haus werde renoviert. (The house is being renovated.)
Perfekt (perfect) /
Präteritum (preterite) /
Plusquamperfekt (pluperfect)
Der Besitzer habe das Haus renoviert. (The owner has renovated the house.)

Info: This form remains the same in all three tenses.
Das Haus sei renoviert worden. (The house has been renovated.)

Info: This form remains the same in all three tenses.
Futur 1 (future) Der Besitzer werde das Haus renovieren. (The owner will renovate the house.) Das Haus werde renoviert werden. (The house will be renovated.)
Futur 2 (future perfect) Der Besitzer werde das Haus renoviert haben. (The owner will have renovated the house.) Das Haus werde renoviert worden sein. (The house will have been renovated.)

Further explanations relating to the ‘Dynamic passive in the Konjunktiv 1’

The following explanations are related to the topic ‘Forms of the dynamic passive voice in the Konjunktiv 1 in German grammar’ and could also be interesting: